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 Discussion of Group Adjustment

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Number of posts : 825
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Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 2:15 pm

* * * Important Notice * * *

The Situation

I no longer plan on running dual adventuring groups, nor do I plan on having such a large party size. I wish to downsize the group to a party of four. Therefore, I will be downsizing this gaming group.

I sincerely apologize to those who wished to continue joining, and to those of you who joined at my encouragement - I was just trying to get more of our friends on these forums so that they would see increased use. The idea was not to overstuff my game, but by getting friends acquainted with these forums, the hope was that new games would pop up consistently. So my apology is for seemingly "dragging" you here and then abandoning you. Even though that's obviously not the case, some may feel this way.

Here is what will happen:

We are almost done with Chapter 1. During this coming week I will make a Chapter 1 Epilogue post that officially marks the conclusion of Chapter 1. After that, the Chapter 1 thread will be closed and a transition thread to Chapter 2 made.

During this period, players who are willing to voluntarily retire from the game will be encouraged to do so. No hard feelings, and for sure I will miss having you as a player. During this time it would also be ideal if somebody would be willing to host a new game, especially to accommodate those players who retire who may not have anywhere else to go.

In the event that nobody volunteers to retire from this game, I will make the decision myself. This will be done prior to the start of Chapter 2. Jokes aside, this decision will be made by me alone and to be fair will likely involve a random process. Certain considerations will be given, such as to players who are not currently participating in any other games, but this is not guaranteed. What I do guarantee, however, is that the decision will not consider "party niche roles" or anything of the sort (i.e. if the resulting group ends up fighter-heavy, that's just how it is). I'm explaining this much here, because when the decision is made, I will not be explaining my decision-making process.

The OOC post containing the final decision will be made here prior to Chapter 2.

My request

It would be best if somebody could host a new game so that players who retire from this game will have a place to go to (along with anyone else who just wants to start a new game). Ideally, this would simply allow for a change of form of the Dual Strike Teams idea - instead of one DM (me) running two groups, a DM would run each group, both games within the Novemterra setting and using the same characters already being used.

This is the ideal case, but it is not that big of a deal - any potential volunteers willing to DM may host any game of their choice.

Thanks for your understanding.

P.S. If you are interested in DMing and have never done it before, I highly encourage you to try it out! If you wish to also use my Novemterra setting, let me know, and when we have made confirmations, I can send you some of my basic world material to get started. Great opportunities could arise from this!
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 2:19 pm

This thread will remain open until the start of Chapter 2. Note that this is NOT an OOC thread - please PM me with any in-game questions. Thanks.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue31/21Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 6:32 pm

Its really up to the other players, I can step out of the game if nobody else can decide who goes. I enjoy playing Alterith, but don't want to cause strife in the group by fighting for my spot. I may attempt to run a rifts game, just to see if I can make it work online, but don't know at this point. At least I'll still have dan's game. That would leave 5 to choose from.
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 6:59 pm

Thanks for your thoughts and concerns, Ben. Always appreciated. Just for the record in case anybody is confused, there shouldn't be any conflicts occurring, because it's either based on volunteer retirees or my decision. That way you guys won't have to deal with bruised feelings or lobbying between each other, and if someone doesn't like my decision to retire them, I can blame it on random chance. :)
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue31/21Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptySun Apr 20, 2008 9:03 pm

Lol, we get more posts out of you when you're breaking the group down than when we're playing...whats up with that Jerry? Wink jp
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue12/18Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 1:15 am

If someone started a second group, could they still play their character in the first group?

About DM, I don't feel comfortable because I have a hard time being anywhere as descriptive as several of you guys here (I can picture it in my head, but I can't seem to describe it in words anything like the picture in my mind), and I don't have all the necessary resources. I have a slight interest, but right now don't feel like I know enough to do a competent job. I'll also have to learn how to draw a map (fairly) quickly especially for battles and stuff requiring initiative. (I don't want to spend an hour or more per map).

Grammar mistakes in my post.
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 6:25 am

Haha, I just like disorder and breaking things down.

Just a placeholder fyi post on David's behalf, he has expressed potential interest in DMing a parallel Novemterra game. He did say however that he didn't want to take the spot from somebody else who really wanted to do it. So if you are interested in DMing, please post up! Otherwise it looks like it'll go to David. That way Ben can keep Alterith around and Zadok won't have to worry about fluffs and maps (which for me are much more time-consuming than I care to admit). :)

Random is taking a break in general, so with a potential DM coming from this group, the two games will have three players each (since there will be six of you left). However, once upon a time, Nick Olds (one of Jack's good buddies and a new friend of mine too) expressed interest in playing, and Trevor has always been interested too. I've just extended to them a potential invitation. And Rory, too.

If they could join, this situation would be (from a DM's standpoint) perfect - two games of four- or five-person parties each.
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue9/14Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 1:01 pm

I'd definitely prefer to continue playing, as I'm planning on running a campaign over the summer, so this is my only place to be a rolePLAYER . I don't mind being in either split off campaign, but i'd prefer that wherever i go, i'm with Alterith..... as our characters backgrounds intertwine, and he is the reason i'm in this shell in the first place.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue31/21Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 1:05 pm

I'd prefer having david run a campaign so I can continue playing, I was just volunteering to drop down and run in case nobody else wanted to. My preference has always been to play, I always ran games because people preferred me as a dm Razz
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 1:52 pm

Okay good to know, thanks so far guys.

Snaphin wrote:
If someone started a second group, could they still play their character in the first group?

Excellent question, for which I currently do not have an answer. It's not certain yet who will be running what. Even if it ends up being David, we have not yet discussed that far.
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue9/14Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 4:42 pm

This is a great point. While i am indifferent to wherever i end up, if I end up up in the other DM's group (david?) I just want to say i don't have a problem making a new character if he wants me to. Don't get me wrong, I love Rasa, but I also have this other character in mind i'd love to play sometime. however, he can definitely wait till a later campaign, as i'm sure i have many in my future. So basically what i'm saying, is if the new DM wants to start a campaign with new characters, i'd be willing to move to his if other people want to keep their old ones.
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Number of posts : 895
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue16/33Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (16/33)
Offense: Init +3, Melee/Range +8/+6
Defense: AC: Full 20/ Touch 13/ Flat Footed 17

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 6:00 pm

if the new dm decides to keep with the novemterra campaign, will characters be interchangeable?

i know this was a point of interest with the 'dual strike force' idea, that characters could be mixed and matched at certain points to create different teams. with two 'separate' campaigns going, this could be a more difficult venture. the reason i bring this up is because potentially people could end up completely segregated from one another with regards to roleplaying with one another. for example: Zadok is only in the d&d campaign and should he end up in 'group 1' and myself (or anyone else) in ' group 2' they wouldn't get a chance to roleplay together.

obviously this isn't make-or-break for me, i was just curious if this had been thought about by anyone else and if it sounds like a feasible idea.
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 7:17 pm

Should the new GM prefer to also use the Novemterra setting, I personally would prefer interchangeability. However, the only weakness I see in this is pacing. Currently this is also an undiscussed issue.

To be honest I did not think of the potential isolation through the splitting of this game, but only largely because across the board (pun intended), there are some of us who are already isolated from each other, such as some players in Trevor's game from some players in this game, for example.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue31/21Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyMon Apr 21, 2008 8:07 pm

It shouldn't be too difficult to interchange characters. We are not a unified adventuring group with a home base of operations. What we do in smaller groups within the larger mercenary band is up to the respective DM's. However, if a player wanted to switch out with someone, they could sit out a session and stay at the home base until the other group returned and then could go out with them. With Jerry and David running the two teams it would be really easy as they live together and can easily coordinate the exchanges to occur at a convenient time for each.
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Number of posts : 286
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue-9/8Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (-9/8)
Offense: I+3 / M-1 / R+2
Defense: Full AC: [13], Touch AC: [12], Flat-footed AC: [11]

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 9:39 pm

yeah. welcome to my game. For the interchangability issue, we thought of it kinda like our two parties could be two strike teams for AVALANCHE or something. One would take out Mako reactor 3, while the other goes for reactor 2. Then, my team gets a message to sabotage Rufus's press conference, while Jerry's team hasn't taken down 3 yet because of heightened security, etc. While we could coordinate sometimes, with changing members and whatnot, it wouldn't be something done frequently, but the possibility is there.

Even logistically, with two teams, if one party finishes an adventure before the other party does, then...

but this is not to say that they can't happen. Team changes can occur such that the flow is not altered too much.

With that being said, I think Jerry will modify our forums a little bit, and change permissions and things like that. I expect to be able to hold votes for house rules over the weekend, or early next week. About that, if you're in my group, you will follow my house rules. If you're under Jerry, his rules will apply. Adjust accordingly.

For continuity purposes, nobody should create a new character, and with Mystia retiring, and potential new characters coming in, we should be more than set.

With that being said, I will probably take up Vampire just so I can play a game.
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Number of posts : 895
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue16/33Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (16/33)
Offense: Init +3, Melee/Range +8/+6
Defense: AC: Full 20/ Touch 13/ Flat Footed 17

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 11:23 pm

was it decided that you wouldn't be able to have Mystia in Jerry's campaign?
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 11:44 pm

Update on Novemterra RPG Situation

This is the official scoop:

  • "Scars of the Planet" is splitting into two parallel-running games. One campaign, two gaming groups, each led by David and myself, as co-DMs.
  • In any official matters that require the decision of "a single entity," I assume that role in principle.
  • Interchangeability between characters will be possible and may occur on occasion. It will not be a common occurrence.
  • For continuity purposes, players will be keeping their original characters.
  • The overarching campaign plot for both gaming groups will be similar. Notable NPCs and villains will remain consistent. Individual adventure Chapters are completely up to each DM and may feature completely independent sub-plots.

  • This forum has been modified to accommodate this newest change in the game, most notably the splitting of the two games into sub-forums.
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Discussion of Group Adjustment Left_bar_bleue1/0Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Discussion of Group Adjustment Empty
PostSubject: Re: Discussion of Group Adjustment   Discussion of Group Adjustment EmptyWed Apr 23, 2008 11:59 pm

Thread is now locked, ooc thread unlocked.

Group decisions coming soon.

Thanks everyone!
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