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 Disclaimer and Statements

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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

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PostSubject: Disclaimer and Statements   Disclaimer and Statements EmptySat Jan 26, 2008 8:38 pm

To Whom It May Conern,


This message board seeks quality tabletop roleplaying in an online textual post format for the express purpose of entertaining its participants (the members) as well as guests (visitors).

I personally do not condone nor encourage, the real-life practice of supernatural activities such as divination, sorcery, the occult, magic, etc. To the best of my knowledge, all participating members on these forums retain a clear distinction between fantasy and reality. I personally assert for those who are concerned that fantasy roleplaying is about as harmful as watching television - it is less an activity that is dangerous, and more the mental state, personality, and maturity of the participants, that determines the risk of danger from partaking in the activity. I claim that any hobby can have a negative impact on a person when pursued excessively and/or obsessively.

To this end, fantasy roleplaying may not be for everyone. Maybe you're just not interested, or you prefer something you can watch (like on a nice, 50" plasma TV), or you think it's dumb, that's fine. Or maybe you share our enjoyment of roleplaying games, particularly of the medieval, sci-fi, and modern kind (hmm, are there any other kinds out there? Just kidding), and that's fine too.

Either way, we ask that you please enjoy the interactive storytelling our games produce with a grain of salt, and always use your discretion. The specific game content of each forum is entirely the responsibility of its corresponding Game Moderator - I make no assertion as to the specific type of content you may find there. However, I can say that overall, we do not host roleplaying games that focus on explicit sexual content. Harshness of language in our games usually does not go above a "PG-13 rating."

We don't intend for the forum games to be anything besides entertainment. Some of the games use historical medieval elements to inspire their settings, but we do not intend these games to be a teaching tool of any kind.

Please enjoy your stay!

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