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 Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons

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5 posters


Number of posts : 286
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue-9/8Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (-9/8)
Offense: I+3 / M-1 / R+2
Defense: Full AC: [13], Touch AC: [12], Flat-footed AC: [11]

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyThu May 22, 2008 2:04 pm

With the adventurers out of the hospital and feeling better, the town officials seek out the group with a request.

"I'm sure you all remember the 'burning plague' incident a few days ago. We have received word from a traveler of strange orange gases near an area known to be under Bloodaxe influence. We would like to avoid a confrontation, hence this request. Please go to that area, and ascertain the situation. Try not to draw too much attention to yourselves, but whatever activity that is going on needs to be ceased."

The officials hand over a map to the area in question, and 4 potions.

"These are for you to use, no repayment is necessary. Please be careful."

ooc: wow, i rolled too well for you guys. in any case, gear up and get ready to go, 'cause it'll be a half day's walk to the area.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue31/21Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyFri May 23, 2008 2:51 pm

Finding many of his companions absent from the area, Alterith seeks out his remaining companions. Finding them in a meeting with a town official, he listens in to what the man has to say. Eying the potions a smile spreads across his face.

"Funny thing, telling us to be quiet about our actions then giving us means to heal our wounds. Either you find us incompetent," he looks meaningfully over his shoulder at the cave that was recently cleaned out by this group, "Or you know from experience that we are a noisy bunch." His smile now splits his face neatly in two. Turning to the other members of the group, he shoulders his axe, whistles for his trusted mount and wonders out loud "So, when do we leave?"
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue9/14Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptySat May 24, 2008 12:30 am

Rasa smiles at his friend. "Noisy bunch eh? if I remember correctly, it was you who charged at the gnolls screaming your bloody head off while Skythar, Squin and I were ATTEMPTING to catch them off guard."

Rasa chuckles to himself, and turns to the town officials: "Don't worry, if he makes too much noise, i'll give him a nice knife in the back."

yes.... that joke should put them at ease of us....... then he notices their slight worried looks and then turns away frowning. tch..... people up here are such useless beings. Why did i come up here again? Right. Training and helping Alterith.

His frown quickly fades as he turns to answer Alterith, though quietly enough such that the officials couldn't hear. He had no interest in them any longer. "As quickly as always of course. We have adventuring to do, treasure to win, and I am always looking for a new opportunity to test my skills...... Oh, and I suppose we can do that thing you like to do so much as well.... you know, help out weaklings...."

He pauses for a brief moment, then says: "I have a few more things I need to get done before we go. Shall we meet at the town gates tomorrow at sunrise?"
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Number of posts : 29
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-02-04

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue1/10Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (1/10)
Offense: Init: +4, Melee/Ranged: +3/+5, Damage: 1d6 (+2)
Defense: AC/Touch/Flat-footed: 21/15/17

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptySat May 24, 2008 1:02 am

Still very new to this shell, Skythar doesn't say much and just sits back and listens. It seems his newfound friends are quite capable, and the money that they earn can definitel help Skythar get back to his home shell.

"I guessss it wouldn't hurt to rid thissss world of a few nastiesssss," says Skythar, as he tries to stay in the group and stay unnoticed. After all, it doesn't hurt to be careful when you know there are slavers after you...

He nods in agreement to Rasa's statement about meeting at the town gates in the morning. He has some business of his own to look into.
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue12/18Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyFri May 30, 2008 8:22 am

"Well ... I want to travel and explore the world. Though having lived in Somi for the past several years it has been my adopted home. So it'll be hard for me not to do anything... ..." Squin trails off. After a moment, he continues, "yeah, tomorrow at sunrise works for me."
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue31/21Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyFri May 30, 2008 9:39 am

Somewhat dejected over his companions lack of enthusiasm, Alterith takes his axe back to his underground lair and puts some more time into the hides that are still curing around the tanning room. He quickly looses himself in the chore and eventually tires himself out and retires to his bed. As the first rays of dawn peek through the window, he snaps awake, shoulders a small travel sack containing food, a few coins, a 25' length of rope, some oil, a pair of torches, and his flint. He straps his daggers to his waste, slides one down the sheath in his boot, and strings two across his chest. His axe he straps into the holster on the side of his pig, mounts up, and heads into town to locate his companions at the south gate.
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue9/14Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyWed Jun 11, 2008 1:04 pm

Upon parting ways with his companions, Rasa immediately heads out to the town.

better get my shopping done quickly so i can at least have one more night of fun He thinks to himself.

After selling a few things and purchasing a new silk rope (david, i'm also selling my old hemp rope) and a small steel mirror, he heads out to the nearest pub. As he is a bit less feared in the town at the moment, he decides to cut back a bit and have a few drinks. He even gets together with a few young Halflings and gets into a dart throwing contest. After a long night of fun, he finally returns to his and Alterith's abode, to find Alterith asleep.

"Heh, rest well now my friend..... we may have a long journey ahead of us."

He then goes into the corner and begins his daily trance. He knew he'd awake in 4 hours completely rested, with plenty of time to spare for some exercise before dawn.

After his return, he grabs all of his backpack containing his thieves tools, silk rope, grappling hook, water bottle, fishhooks, and small steel mirror. He then attaches his hand crossbow, ninja-to, and belt pouch (with caltrops and chalk) to his waist, and slips his dagger into it's usual hiding spot. Nodding at his readiness, he heads off early to the south gate. He intends to get there well before sunrise, so he can make fun of any late comers.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue31/21Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 3:09 pm

Waiting impatiently for his friends to arrive, Alterith turns inward, remembering the strange struggles he has had with his inner demons in the recent battles. This is a worrying turn of events for the halfling. Always before his anger was controlled and directed at his enemies improving his own combat abilities and his ability to continue to fight beyond the normal endurance of his kind. Now, however, a strange being seems to be trying to wrestle control of his body. Is it possible this inner demon is truly just his own anger and rage leaking out? Or is it possible that some strange spirit is attempting to rest control from the realms beyond? Perhaps he should travel to the temple and have them exorcise the demon from him. But if he is wrong, if it is just his own fears and rage boiling out then he would become the laughingstock of the town and lose the respect he has garnered. His safety in the forest is partly dependent upon the goodwill of the townsfolk. He has little use for the city, but he understands that he does need supplies from town on occasion.

The arrival of Rasa ends his internal speculation.

"Well, shall we be off then? I think we've dallied long enough." Looking up at the sun now sitting well above the horizon. "The day is wasting, we should get underway quickly to arrive while some light remains in the sky."

He mounts his pig and begins riding off towards their destination.
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Number of posts : 29
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-02-04

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue1/10Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (1/10)
Offense: Init: +4, Melee/Ranged: +3/+5, Damage: 1d6 (+2)
Defense: AC/Touch/Flat-footed: 21/15/17

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptySun Jun 22, 2008 10:16 pm

After saying his goodbyes, Skythar heads towards the nearest shop. He watches as others go before him, and quickly learns how to barter with the shopkeeper. He sells a few of his unneeded belongings, and begins to head back to Alterith's hideout. There he stores some of his belongings and begins to head back to the outskirts of town to find a place to stay...

...and wakes up to find himself still in the woods, with the sun blazing above his head. strange, last i remembered, the sun was almost setting....? however, other than a splitting headache, he finds himself to be fine. He quickly walks back to town to spot his companions getting ready to head off.

"My Apologiessss, seemsss i oversssslept.."
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue12/18Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyMon Jun 23, 2008 7:36 pm

Yawning a few times, he slowly trots down towards the town gates as he deals with mixed emotions. Excited about going out and doing something new, nervous about the dangers that come with it, happy that hopefully he gets a chance to help these people, worried that the people are being targeted by someone or group, wishing that his former teacher was here, as he seemed to know everything and always had things in control. The teacher had said that there were some things that Squin would just have to experience himself to fully learn, and that was part of growing up. The teacher had encouraged Squin not to be scared and sad, but to be excited about a chance to come to this shell and get a chance to explore, learn and experience a new culture. That was so long ago it seems.

Before he knew it, he was at the town gate. "Good morning" he says to whoever is there already.
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Number of posts : 286
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Left_bar_bleue-9/8Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty_bar_bleue  (-9/8)
Offense: I+3 / M-1 / R+2
Defense: Full AC: [13], Touch AC: [12], Flat-footed AC: [11]

Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons EmptyWed Jun 25, 2008 3:49 pm

ooc: DM ABSENCE. seeing as how this is the first time I've been on the forums since last week...I'm not sure this will exactly work out. We'll see, though. Jerry might take over for a while, I might suddenly have some time on my hands...we'll see.
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Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons   Novemterran Sky: Chapter 2: New Horizons Empty

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