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 Treasure distribution

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Number of posts : 286
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue-9/8Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (-9/8)
Offense: I+3 / M-1 / R+2
Defense: Full AC: [13], Touch AC: [12], Flat-footed AC: [11]

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySun May 11, 2008 11:25 am

Here's how this will work. Since in-game, you guys would have divided this stuff amongst yourselves anyways, I'm just going to list it as Jerry did in his treasure distribution. Do with it as you wish, and trading amongst yourselves is encouraged. However, don't think about touching the group fund until Jerry gets back to me about a question I had about it. Finally, there is no trading between the adventuring groups. Not that you'd know what the other guys got, anyways...>_>;; I don't want to hear any complaints about treasure distribution. This is what I was given...

** items are unidentified.





Group Fund
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySun May 11, 2008 11:35 am

That better be one hell of a potion, or i think i must have gotten ripped off >.<

Assuming we split things how we want, i think it'd be best if Alterith got the mace.
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue12/18Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySun May 11, 2008 12:39 pm

Uh ... sorry but I don't have my book with me. What is the stat regarding the med. scale +1? Is it medium armor class? What's the defense, weight, max dex, armor check, etc.? (Basically whatever is listed on the PHB). I have to double check, but I think I only have light armor proficiency.
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySun May 11, 2008 3:18 pm

scale mail is medium armor class. It should be treated as a masterworked item, and it gives you a +1 ac bonus in addition to whatever scale mail gives you....
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue31/21Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySun May 11, 2008 8:39 pm

What happened to my masterwork dagger that I was using...or is this just treasure in addition to what we already acquired and were using in the campaign? We can set up my hideout as our basecamp and you guys can store any equipment you don't want there...or we can just sell it and establish a group fund for whatever we need. Honestly, I don't really need the money, but don't see a need to throw it away either, save it till we need it. Also, wasn't there a glove that went with the visor we grabbed...or did the other group get that? And can I get a description of the strange coins? What makes them strange? Last question is does skythar still have the masterwork bow we gave him?
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySun May 11, 2008 11:44 pm

I'm pretty sure the masterworked dagger was given to me. if we sell the liqorish root, we could probably fund identifying everything like your visor and my potion....
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue12/18Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyMon May 12, 2008 12:22 am

I have the MW shortbow. That I can use, unlike the +1 scale mail since it is a medium armor and I only have a light armor proficiency at the moment. I'm currently using a studded leather. For the scale mail I'm up for a trade, or if there is nothing I can trade for at this time that I can use and is an upgrade over what I currently have, I am willing to loan it out until there is something I can trade for.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue31/21Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyMon May 12, 2008 5:35 am

I'm gonna look awesome, 2 small shortswords at my waist, 5 spears sticking out over my right shoulder, a great axe (half size) sticking up over my left shoulder and a wicked lizardman visor over my eyes. "I'll be back" cause I'm the terminator :D

And Rasa better not let Alterith catch him with his dagger or your head will roll Wink
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyMon May 12, 2008 2:42 pm

unfortunately sir, as the Great DM Gods decreed, the dagger was always Rasa's.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue31/21Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyMon May 12, 2008 3:50 pm

It could very well be rasa's according to the DM gods, however, if Alterith wakes up and finds Rasa stole something from him, heads will roll...and I don't think it will be Bloodlust's Wink

which is why I reassert my question as to whether this stuff is in addition to what we picked up along they way or whether it includes what we picked up.
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue1/0Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyMon May 12, 2008 6:14 pm

It includes what the group picked up (left out Squin's MW longbow by accident). When allocating treasure I did not take into account what characters had already been using during the adventure. I had used the base assumption that at the end, all the items are pooled and then straws drawn (dice rolled, heh) to determine possession, at least in the fantasy situation.

In the future, how treasure will be allocated will be up to David, so you'll be able to take up questions with him. Meanwhile, feel free to seek further clarifications on what I did. :)
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyMon May 12, 2008 9:03 pm

Dear David,

Can the characters in your campaign decide the treasure distribution on their own next time?

Arigatou gozaimasu!

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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue31/21Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyTue May 13, 2008 5:39 am

"Alterith knocks Rasa over the head, takes back his dagger and gives him the unidentified potion" :D
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Number of posts : 29
Age : 36
Registration date : 2008-02-04

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue1/10Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (1/10)
Offense: Init: +4, Melee/Ranged: +3/+5, Damage: 1d6 (+2)
Defense: AC/Touch/Flat-footed: 21/15/17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyTue May 13, 2008 5:13 pm

can we sell the items that we have to obtain gold, or do we have to roleplay that out?

if any of you want to use the med. hide armor, feel free to tell me, though i don't know why you would..
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Number of posts : 286
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue-9/8Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (-9/8)
Offense: I+3 / M-1 / R+2
Defense: Full AC: [13], Touch AC: [12], Flat-footed AC: [11]

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyTue May 13, 2008 10:39 pm

yeah, i'll let you guys distribute the treasure as you see fit, but only with this reasoning: while it *is* supposed to be "even", and I can "give" your characters the treasure based on distribution, but I can't control if your characters decide to roleplay out different distributions.

I'd prefer if you guys roleplayed out the selling items for gold. But since this is kinda weird, with the transitions and stuff, you don't have to this time.
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyWed May 14, 2008 12:02 am

Ok..... My items:

med. leather
med. masterwork dag
a strange potion **
25 cp
100 gp
80 sp

I plan on keeping the $$ obviously. After i get the potion identified, i'll be able to determine whether or not i should keep it. David, read: if I'm spending the gold to identify it, how much do i owe

The medium leather armor has no real use to me, because it actually lowers my AC if i wear it. that is up for trade, else up for sale.

And about the MW knife, i kinda like it :) unless you make me a good deal :-P
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue12/18Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyWed May 14, 2008 3:28 am

Hmmm ... does anyone in this group wear medium armor? Can anyone? I can't without penalties or before taking a feat.
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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue31/21Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyWed May 14, 2008 5:37 am

I could...except I'm little so it would have to be adjusted. I don't need any armor other than the furs I already have :D
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyWed May 14, 2008 12:35 pm

Snaphin wrote:
Hmmm ... does anyone in this group wear medium armor? Can anyone? I can't without penalties or before taking a feat.

if nobody wants it, you can sell it for something around 1000 gold
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue12/18Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyThu May 15, 2008 1:18 am

True ... it is an option. The last option since I currently can't see any real need for the money at the moment.
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Number of posts : 825
Age : 40
Registration date : 2008-01-13

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue1/0Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (1/0)

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyThu May 15, 2008 8:16 pm

Regarding the unknown items:


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Number of posts : 755
Age : 44
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue31/21Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (31/21)
Offense: Melee:+7, Range:+9
Defense: AC:18

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyFri May 16, 2008 5:37 am

Again, we have my hideout where you are welcome to keep any treasure you want until such time as we need it. However, since David is allowing us to sell any items for their suggested value without having to find a suitable buyer, I would suggest taking full advantage of this opportunity as it most likely won't come again. Too bad I can't use full size armor Wink I don't really think barbarians use medium or heavy armor though...I don't remember. Ah well, I could wear it like a dress :D

Alterith retains all his spoils, and secrets them in the hideout. He digs a hole in a random location that he will recognize, then buries the money in an oiled hide sack to protect/preserve it, then he covers it with dirt and has rasa help him disguise the floor again. He makes sure the area gets walked on regularly so as to disguise its location even better. The weapons will go into the weapons rack along the wall next to his axe and daggers. The potion goes into a locked chest that he will purchase with the money he has acquired. From town he will purchase food for his pig, and stabling material then he will spend some time fashioning a small shelter for his companion outside of his cave.
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue12/18Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyFri May 16, 2008 11:35 am

Well ... if no one in this group wears medium armor, I will sell it. I think Mystia is the only one I can think of that would wear medium armor. Squin (and Krytox) will eventually become a large size creature as they progress up their respective monster charts. It seems that Rasa and Skythar are "scouts/rogues" thus will most likely wear light armor.

As for the other group, Krytox has already been mentioned. The traveler probably doesn't use armor. A druid probably doesn't use medium armor.

Uh ... then um ... yeah ... I guess I will probably sell it then since it seems none of us has a current use of it and most likely will not farther down the road.
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Number of posts : 844
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-01-30

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue9/14Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (9/14)
Offense: +1 BAB
Defense: AC= 17

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptyFri May 16, 2008 5:20 pm

i flat out told you guys that i'm playing a ninja. I get my wisdom bonus to ac, unless i'm encumbered or wearing any armor at all, even down to light. therefore, having any armor i can wear on lowers my ac, since i get +3 to ac as it is, and i don't have armor proficiencies past light, if any at all.
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Number of posts : 305
Age : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-29

Treasure distribution Left_bar_bleue12/18Treasure distribution Empty_bar_bleue  (12/18)
Offense: Init +4; Melee +5; Ranged +6
Defense: AC 20; Touch AC 14; Flat footed AC 16;

Treasure distribution Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasure distribution   Treasure distribution EmptySat May 17, 2008 12:19 am

Sorry I forgot. I equated your character to more of a scout/rogue than a monk. While the wisdom bonus to armor is the similar if not the same as the monk, they way you play your character (to me) seems closer to a rogue than a monk. That's most likely where and how I got mixed up.
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